Justification and Approval
Justification and Approval

A Justification and Approval (J&A) document is used to justify the need for a sole-source or limited-competition contract. This document explains why a particular vendor was selected and provides the necessary rationale for using a non-competitive procurement method.

How It Is Written:

  1. Title Page:
    • Title: Justification and Approval for Other Than Full and Open Competition
    • Contract Number
    • Agency Name
    • Date
  2. Identification of Agency and Contracting Activity:
    • Name of the agency
    • Contracting activity responsible for the procurement
  3. Nature and/or Description of the Action Being Approved:
    • Brief description of the goods or services being procured
    • Explanation of the procurement action
  4. Description of Supplies/Services:
    • Detailed description of the supplies or services required
    • Any specifications or standards to be met
  5. Authority:
    • Citation of the statutory authority permitting other than full and open competition
    • Explanation of why this authority is applicable
  6. Rationale:
    • Detailed justification for using other than full and open competition
    • Explanation of why the specific vendor was chosen
  7. Market Research:
    • Summary of the market research conducted
    • Evidence of the inability to find suitable alternative sources
  8. Efforts to Obtain Competition:
    • Description of any efforts made to solicit bids from multiple vendors
    • Explanation of why these efforts were unsuccessful
  9. Fair and Reasonable Cost Determination:
    • Analysis of the cost/price to ensure it is fair and reasonable
    • Any relevant cost/price analysis information
  10. Contracting Officer’s Certification:
    • Statement by the Contracting Officer certifying the accuracy and completeness of the justification
  11. Approvals:
    • Signatures and dates from all necessary approval authorities

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